HCP Universe
Access the most trusted source of HCP information
Gain a full, real-time picture of your target HCPs with H1’s HCP Universe. Browse detailed HCP profiles, stay up-to-date on their latest activities, and leverage AI-powered insights for more effective engagements.

HCP Universe in focus:
Payments coverage
Understand industry collaborations with $70B in payments data for HCP engagements worldwide.
Diverse data sources
A unique blend of public, proprietary, and contributory data gives you a 360-degree view of the healthcare ecosystem.
Extensive conference coverage
Track HCPs’ involvement in over 1K global congresses and stay connected to key opinion leaders.
Global claims data
Leverage 12B+ claims across the US, EU, Brazil, and Japan for deep insights into HCPs’ clinical activity.
Robust HCP profiles
Access 11M+ profiles with information on 29M+ publications, 690K+ clinical trials, 1K+ global congress activities, and more.
HCP and KOL insights you won’t find anywhere else
Our user-friendly software allows you to create precise HCP lists based on a wide range of criteria, including therapeutic area, geography, online presence, and more.

Powerful search & filtering
Easily search, filter, tag, and sort HCPs and institutions. Save time and identify the most relevant collaborators and experts. Make sure every interaction is strategic and impactful.
Global HCP coverage
Tap into a global database of HCPs, including KOLs, digital opinion leaders, and rising stars. Expand your reach and help your team engage with the right people, anywhere in the world.

Up-to-date HCP activities
Get the latest updates on publications, clinical trials, and social media activity. Keep your finger on the pulse of HCP developments and engage at the right time with relevant, timely insights that strengthen your relationships.
AI-powered insights
Get auto-generated engagement plans that highlight key talking points, interests, and social media insights for each HCP. Optimize every HCP interaction with AI-driven recommendations that allow for more tailored, meaningful engagements—boosting your credibility and impact.

Mobile app
Stay connected to HCPs with our mobile app, offering location and calendar integration, real-time congress updates, and more. Empower field teams to access critical insights and connect with KOLs on the go, enhancing flexibility and responsiveness.