CEO Insights: Why Ribbon Health Matters to H1’s Mission

Ariel Katz Provides His Perspective

Today we announced that H1 has come together with Ribbon Health. You can read more about it here in the official press release, but I also wanted to share more of my personal thoughts for why this is such a meaningful step towards H1 and Ribbon getting closer to its mission. H1’s mission is to connect the world with the right doctors and Ribbon’s mission is to power every healthcare decision to be accessible, affordable, and high-quality for patients.
So far on H1’s journey we’ve been able to connect doctors to clinical research, medical education, and humanitarian missions. We haven’t been able to crack the nut on connecting doctors to the right patient, or more importantly the patient to the right doctor for them.
Ribbon has been working on building the infrastructure to help patients find the right doctor for them since 2016 and every year over 20 million patients trust Ribbon’s information to find the right doctor for them across over 3 million healthcare providers in America.
Putting aside the obvious synergies of data, insights, AI, and culture, the mission is so aligned between both companies and Ribbon is one of the best companies out there helping patients find the right doctor. Within H1, we believe we can help accelerate the number from 20 million patients to 200 million over the next chapters of product building.
Together with the Ribbon team joining the H1 family, we feel like this is the start of a new chapter to further the mission of connecting the world to the right doctor for millions of patients every year!