Do you know which Principal Investigators are best equipped to successfully run your trial?

Leverage H1 to discover the best PIs for your trials – known and unknown.

Illustration of business woman working on a laptop.

The choice of a principal investigator (PI) can significantly impact the success and integrity of a clinical trial. Their expertise, leadership, ethical considerations, and ability to navigate regulatory requirements all contribute to the trial’s credibility and the generation of reliable, meaningful results.

Experienced, principled and responsible PIs:

Minimize errors, biases, and other factors that could compromise the trial’s results.

Are better equipped to handle unexpected situations and protect the participants.

Help maintain the trial’s credibility and integrity.

Develop strategies to identify suitable participants, communicate effectively with them, and address any concerns they may have. This contributes to achieving the required sample size within the planned timeline.

Learn how H1’s robust clinical trial platform, Trial Landscape optimizes Principal Investigator selection.