4 Ways CROs Can Ensure a Bright Future for Pharma

As pharmaceutical companies turn to CROs (Clinical Research Organizations) for trial design and technology, there are new opportunities emerging with healthcare data intelligence that can help ensure a bright future for the industry and to make trials more effective, efficient and accessible.

In this blog post, we will explore four ways in which CROs can help companies run trials better with:

  1. Data-infused insights
  2. Improved clinical operations and feasibility
  3. Greater efficiency in site selection
  4. Strategic planning

In today’s increasingly complex and data-driven world, clinical operations and feasibility teams are constantly struggling to make sense of the enormous amounts of data that are generated from clinical trials. Many clinical trial sites are turning to healthcare data intelligence platforms and clinical trial intelligence for support and form partnerships like H1 and ProPharma.

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The goal is to leverage additional opportunities where innovation and technology for secure data exchange can create data networks that can better empower the insights instead of just providing more data and noise.

“In 2021, a Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development study showed thata typical Phase III clinical trial generates 3.56 million data points.”1

Centralized, Data-infused Insights

Centralizing data is the first step towards streamlining operations. This allows teams to quickly access the information they need to make informed decisions. To further enhance this process, CROs should utilize powerful analytics tools to identify trends for specific indications or disease states like oncology in the data that could be useful for trial design and implementation.

CROs can also help increase efficiency and accuracy in trial design and execution by providing data-infused insights. By leveraging technology and analytics, CROs can provide real-time insights into patient recruitment and retention, as well as the overall effectiveness of the trial. This data provides valuable information that can be used to make informed decisions about trial design, protocol changes, site performance, and more. Additionally, this data helps CROs better serve their clients by keeping them up to date on key trends in clinical trials.

Additionally, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools can greatly enhance the accuracy and efficiency of clinical trials. AI tools can reduce errors, provide real-time insights into trial progress, and automate tedious tasks such as data entry or tracking changes in protocols.

Improved Clinical Operations and Feasibility

Automating manual processes is another crucial step in improving efficiency. Automation saves time and money while ensuring accuracy and consistency. It also enables teams to analyze large amounts of complex data quickly, helping them identify potential risks or opportunities for improvement. However, it is important to use automation strategically, as it can lead to increased reliance on technology and decreased interaction between team members.

CROs play an important role in helping pharmaceutical companies ensure successful clinical operations and feasibility across their sites. In addition to providing data-infused insights mentioned above, CROs can help with recruiting sites that meet FDA requirements, ensuring proper documentation for regulatory compliance, handling management of enrolling sites, monitoring data quality across sites, and much more.

Greater Efficiency in Site Selection with Data-driven Decision Making

With increased demands on clinical trials due to rising costs and competition among pharmaceutical companies for patients, it is critical that CROs leverage best practices when selecting sites for trials. Using technology such as AI and machine learning algorithms can optimize site selection criteria and allow CROs to quickly identify the most suitable sites that meet all necessary criteria while avoiding costly mistakes or delays due to poor or inefficient site selection processes.

Strategic planning

Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, strategic planning is essential for ensuring a successful outcome for any trial involving multiple sites or organizations across multiple countries or continents. It is imperative that thorough plans are set in place ahead of time so that everyone involved understands what their roles are within the larger framework of the project, which includes budgeting considerations, timelines for completion of tasks, etc., as well as contingency plans should anything go wrong during the course of a trial’s progress. By designing proper strategies ahead of time, CROs can significantly reduce the risk associated with large-scale projects while increasing efficiency overall.

1 – https://www.appliedclinicaltrialsonline.com/view/progress-report-pharma-adoption-of-data-analytics

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