5 Steps to Improving and Demonstrating the Impact of Medical Affairs

How Medical Affairs Can Leverage Data to Measure Impact, Close Care Gaps, and Improve Patient Outcomes

Medical affairs teams play a strategic role in educating healthcare professionals (HCPs) on scientific topics, care pathways and patient outcomes. With the rise of digital health technologies, there has been an increased focus on understanding and measuring the impact of medical affairs activities.

In this Perspectives E-brief, we’ll explore how technology can provide the insights needed for pharma leadership, medical science liaisons (MSLs), regulatory, medical affairs field teams and medical excellence/HEOR teams to measure, understand and maximize their scientific share of voice and outcomes.

What kind of data can be valuable? Data that measures offline engagements (such as advisory boards, congresses, etc.) and online activities (social media interactions, website visits, etc.). This comprehensive view allows medical teams to understand which channels are driving the most engagement and adjust their efforts accordingly. By understanding how their activities are impacting HCP behavior, medical teams can identify opportunities to close care gaps, drive evidence-based medicine and improve patient outcomes.

Overall, there is tremendous potential for leveraging data for medical affairs teams looking to measure their impact on healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes. By understanding how their activities influence healthcare professionals’ behavior at all levels —from knowledge sharing among peers to decisions made during clinical evaluations—medical affairs teams will be better equipped to meet the changing needs of today’s digital healthcare environment.