COVID-19, Scientific Exchange, and the Impact on MSLs
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted people’s lives across the globe and swiftly changed the way many companies do business. Many roles reliant on in-person interactions have had to rethink how they engage with their partners and customers. This includes Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) and the scientific exchange they conduct with HCPs and other key opinion leaders (KOLs).
In order to get a sense of how broad the impact has been and how MSLs feel their roles have altered and potentially expanded by this global event, we conducted a survey in coordination with the Medical Science Liaison Society (MSLS). We asked questions about whether MSLs feel their purpose has changed in light of the pandemic, whether they’ve begun to incorporate more virtual interactions into their strategy, and more.
In total, we received completed survey results from more than 300 respondents across 33 countries. Take a look at how MSL teams are seeing their roles evolve and how their thought leader engagement strategies are beginning to rely on new tactics. Download the infographic.